Madhya Pradesh: A 25-year-old man, Vishnu Rajawat who was held for violating peace caused mayhem inside a police station in Madhya Pradesh on Sunday. He managed to escape with his accomplice after knocking two policemen at the station unconscious but was arrested again after several hours.
According to ANI video, the escape was caught on CCTV which shows man, armed with a spade, moving quietly down a corridor and hitting the policemen on the head from behind. The first policeman immediately collapses and the second tries to stave off the blow but fails and crashes to the floor.
According to reports, Umesh Babu, the head constable and one of the victims has been seriously injured.
Rudolf Alvarez, Superintendent of Police said, “He has been referred to Gwalior and from there to Delhi for better treatment. He is critical. The other policeman has been admitted to a hospital in Gwalior.”
Rajawat and his friend Mansingh were arrested on Sunday from Bhind district. Instead of keeping them in lock-up, they were made to sit outside. After a short interaction with policemen and realising that there is no one on guard, Rajawat attacked the policemen and fled but were caught on Sunday night itself.
“Both the accused were arrested under Section 151 for disturbing the peace. In order to escape, accused attacked with a spade lying there for some construction work,” SP Alvarez added.
According to a police source, Rajawat was also involved in illegal mining.
Caught after three hours, Rajawat said, “They (the policemen) just made me sit inside the police station. So I just thought I would escape. That’s why I attacked them”.
Rajawat claims that he was a farmer and had come to meet a friend in that area. After the escape attempt, he has been charged with attempt to murder and causing hurt.