Java Synchronization
Piped Input and Output
The PipedInputStream and PipedOutputStream classes can be used to read and write data simultaneously. Both streams are connected with each other using the connect() method…
Compress and Uncompress File
The DeflaterOutputStream and InflaterInputStream classes provide mechanism to compress and uncompress the data in the deflate compression format. DeflaterOutputStream class: The DeflaterOutputStream class is used…
Print Stream class
The PrintStream class provides methods to write data to another stream. The PrintStream class automatically flushes the data so there is no need to call…
Input by Scanner
There are various ways to read input from the keyboard, the java.util.Scanner class is one of them. The Java Scanner class breaks the input into…
Input by Console
The Java Console class is be used to get input from console. It provides methods to read text and password. If you read password using…
Input by BufferedReader
There are many ways to read data from the keyboard. For example: InputStreamReader Console Scanner DataInputStream etc. InputStreamReader class InputStreamReader class can be used to…
Char Array Writer
The CharArrayWriter class can be used to write data to multiple files. This class implements the Appendable interface. Its buffer automatically grows when data is…
File Writer and File Reader
Java FileWriter and FileReader classes are used to write and read data from text files. These are character-oriented classes, used for file handling in java….
Buffered Output & Input
Java BufferedOutputStream class uses an internal buffer to store data. It adds more efficiency than to write data directly into a stream. So, it makes…
Sequence Input Stream
Java SequenceInputStream class is used to read data from multiple streams. It reads data of streams one by one. Constructors of SequenceInputStream class Constructor Description…