Collection Mapping
Many to Many by Map
We can map many to many relation either using set, bag, map etc. Here, we are going to use map for many-to-many mapping. In such…
Mapping Map
Hibernate allows you to map Map elements with the RDBMS. As we know, list and map are index-based collections. In case of map, index column…
One to many by Set
If the persistent class has set object that contains the entity reference, we need to use one-to-many association to map the set element. We can…
Mapping Set
If our persistent class has Set object, we can map the Set by set element in the mapping file. The set element doesn’t require index…
One to Many by Bag
If the persistent class has list object that contains the entity reference, we need to use one-to-many association to map the list element. We can…
Mapping Bag
If our persistent class has List object, we can map the List by list or bag element in the mapping file. The bag is just…
One to Many annotation
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One to Many by List
If the persistent class has list object that contains the entity reference, we need to use one-to-many association to map the list element. Here, we…
Mapping List
If our persistent class has List object, we can map the List easily either by <list> element of class in mapping file or by annotation….
Collection Mapping
We can map collection elements of Persistent class in Hibernate. You need to declare the type of collection in Persistent class from one of the…