How to install onak on Debian Unstable (Sid)
Install onak Installing onak package on Debian Unstable (Sid) is as easy as running the following command on terminal: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install…
Run Windows applications on Linux with Crossover 15
Codeweavers has released a new major version of Crossover, the popular Microsoft Windows compatibility layer which is now based on Wine 1.8. The software is…
How to create a web-office using ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition on Ubuntu 14.04
ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition is a commercial version of an open source corporate office suite developed to organize the teamwork online. If you have a team…
Installing Verax NMS On SuSE, RedHat, And Debian
Requirements The Verax NMS can be installed on 32 and 64 bit Linux distributions including: SuSE, RedHat Enterprise and Debian using i386 and x64 architectures….
How To Monitor Your Linux Server With SMS Alerts And Performance Graphs
This tutorial shows how you can monitor your Linux server with a tool from Bijk – with email and SMS alerts. Bijk is an open…
How To Set Up A Cisco Lab On Linux (CentOS 5.2)
Background I recently decided to study for the Cisco CCSP certification. My main concern in the beginning was the fact that most of the lab…
How to Configure OpenLDAP for the AXIGEN Mail Server
What is LDAP? LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. This protocol is used to access a directory listing. It is being implemented in Web…
Install a Mail Server with Antivirus and Antispam in 15 Minutes
This article illustrates a situation where you need to set up your own mail server (be it your home mail server, or a small office…
Integrating SquirrelMail with AXIGEN
Abstract This document aims to explain how to install and configure SquirrelMail on a machine to act as a webmail interface for AXIGEN. It also…
Integrating the AXIGEN Messaging Solution with Amavis
This document describes the steps required to perform an integration of the AXIGEN Mail Server with Amavis, in order to insure antivirus protection and functionality….