Oracle ENABLE Trigger
The ALTER TRIGGER statement is used to enable a trigger. Syntax ALTER TRIGGER trigger_name ENABLE; Parameters trigger_name: It specifies the name of the trigger that you want to…
Oracle DISABLE Trigger
The ALTER TRIGGER statement is used to disable a trigger. Syntax ALTER TRIGGER trigger_name DISABLE; Parameters trigger_name: It specifies the name of the trigger that you want to…
Oracle DROP Trigger
In Oracle, DROP TRIGGER statement is used to drop the trigger if you find that you need to remove it from the database. Syntax DROP TRIGGER trigger_name;…
Oracle After Trigger
This statement specifies that Oracle will fire this trigger AFTER the INSERT/UPDATE or DELETE operation is executed. Syntax CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGER trigger_name AFTER INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE ON table_name [ FOR EACH ROW ] DECLARE — variable declarations BEGIN…
Oracle Before Trigger
This statement specifies that Oracle will fire this trigger BEFORE the INSERT/UPDATE or DELETE operation is executed. Syntax CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGER trigger_name BEFORE INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE ON table_name [ FOR EACH ROW ] DECLARE — variable declarations BEGIN…
Oracle Trigger
In Oracle, you can define procedures that are implicitly executed when an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement is issued against the associated table. These procedures…
Oracle Cursor
A cursor is a pointer to a private SQL area that stores information about the processing of a SELECT or DML statements like INSERT, UPDATE,…
Oracle Function
A function is a subprogram that is used to return a single value. You must declare and define a function before invoking it. It can…
Oracle Procedures
A procedure is a group of PL/SQL statements that can be called by name. The call specification (sometimes called call spec) specifies a java method…
Oracle Semi Join
Semi-join is introduced in Oracle 8.0. It provides an efficient method of performing a WHERE EXISTS sub-query. A semi-join returns one copy of each row…